Why can you depend on star
Why Depend on Star?

“We are committed to protect our clients from financial hardships resulting from sickness, disability, accidents, and even death. Let us help you plan for the future with no obligation.”

Here at Star General Health & Life Insurance Agents & Brokers Ltd, we offer enhanced services to each of our clients. You can depend on us because:

  1. We undertake the process of providing the best solutions for your insurance needs within the required time frame, which includes:
    1. Assessing your needs and objectives to develop a customized, strategic benefit plan, which aims to  minimize rising health care costs, while reducing risks and improving efficiency.
    2. Reviewing the local group insurance market as well as our two international carriers for the best product offerings.
    3. Preparing comparisons on rates, benefits, services and sustainability for our clients.
    4. Creativity in providing coverage for the various levels of employees.
  2. We provide advice and planning services.
  3. We liaise with the selected carrier where necessary to provide a backup and relief for the many tasks staff deal with on a daily basis.
  4. Our staff provides extraordinary customer service and administrative support.
  5. Claims data analysis: we work with your insurer to provide claims data analysis to show you how and where to adjust your plan design.
  6. Claims Settlement: we monitor and expedite claims settlement, appealing claims, where necessary.
  7. Renewal Process: we negotiate the best possible renewal.
  8. Billings: we monitor and ensure billing accuracy.
  9. Employee education and communication: we assist the selected carrier with all phases of communicating the benefit package to their employees including enrolment.
  10. Alerts of industry trends and programs: we keep you informed about new developments in insurance and employee benefits.
  11. Wellness training: we liaise with the insurer to provide health assessment and screenings, as well as to coordinate health fairs, etc.
  12. Emergency services: we assist where necessary during medical emergencies e.g. evacuations.
You can Depend on Us
Mission statement
About Us
  • We will respond to client complaints immediately.
  • We will advise clients if there are any changes as it relates to their policies instantly.
  • We will be educated on all of our products and services offered and refer clients to the appropriate representative.
  • We will deliver the highest quality products and service with the goal of exceeding the client’s expectations.